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Canadian Club 20YO Whisky 750ml

Smooth, soft and lightly spiced - everything you would expect from Canadian Club.

Canadian Club Spiced Whisky 1 Litre

For more than 150 years, Canadian Club has been known worldwide as smooth, versatile and easy to enjoy. Today, Canadian Club is served and enjoyed in more than 150 countries across the globe. It is the only Canadian whisky that

Canadian Club Whisky 1 Litre

For more than 150 years, Canadian Club has been known worldwide as smooth, versatile and easy to enjoy.

Canadian Club Whisky 700ml

For more than 150 years, Canadian Club has been known worldwide as smooth, versatile and easy to enjoy.

Fireball Cinnamon Whisky 700ml

Fireball Cinnamon Whisky is for lovers of all things hot and spicy. With it's strong cinnamon taste Fireball Whisky is both hot and cold, smooth yet with a bite, sweet but spicy. Drink it straight as a shot or mix it up with pineapple juice, ginger beer and a squeeze of lime for a Fiery Mule!
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